
A New Inquiry into the Habit

The New Inquiry dubs itself as a space to “enrich cultural and public life.” The site has received a lot of big-time attention in its short run and so far it seems to merit the hype. The editors, to my great surprise, recently featured a thoughtful interview with an Anglican nun named Sister Nancy Ruth. The interview touches upon issues of femininity, beauty, modesty and fashion (the habit) from a Christian religious point of view.

The editors wisely understand that a discussion space that either ignores, or mocks religious faith, is walling itself and its readers off from a fundamental part of what it means to be human for millions of people today. Editor-in-Chief Rachel Rosenfelt was clear in a recent interview with the LA Review of Books that what matters is good writing and not any particular agenda in the culture wars:

“The guiding principle in the editorial process is: Is this boring? Is this safe? If the answer is yes, then it’s not for us. We’re not offering a platform for any one political group to rally around.”

Creative Commons License photo credit: mademoiselle suzanne


A New York Literary Salon

The New York Times profiles a group of literary twenty-somethings in New York who–in despair over the lack of publishing jobs–have founded their own online journal The New Inquiry. They also meet on a regular basis in an Upper East Side apartment to forge their own community of ideas and books.


I admire their desire to form a literary community like the one we grew up reading about in Paris in the 1920s, but one also gets the impression that the project could quickly devolve into a journal of political advocacy, which would quickly make the journal no different from dozens of others like it online…Best of luck to them.