My Essays

My ‘Full Stop’ Piece on David Foster Wallace

Recently I had the good fortune to be named a monthly contributor to Full-Stop Magazine. For my December piece, I wrote how I had been unknowingly “shadowing” the late-novelist David Foster Wallace across America for years. When I read the novel Infinite Jest back in 1996 or ’97,  I immediately recognized that Wallace and I shared connections to some very odd and specific American places.

Vol. 1 Brooklyn linked to the article today as part of their “Morning Bites” daily round-up. Morning Bites (and Afternoon Bites) features some of the best literary and cultural writing  online and is well-worth keeping tabs on.

I have blogged about David Foster Wallace before. Most recently I wrote about the mystery surrounding religion and David Foster Wallace. There is a lot of speculation that DFW had been something of a closet Christian–but the issue of his faith in not a clear one–and D.T. Max’s new biography seems to discredit the notion that Wallace was a believing Christian.

My Essays

‘First Things’ Blogs on my New ‘Full Stop’ Feature

I really love the headline that First Things gave to their blog post about my feature essay in Full Stop:  “Roger Scruton and Yukio Mishima Walk into a Doughnut Shop…” That’s perfect.

Read the First Things post on my essay about Mishima, Roger Scruton and beauty.

Robert Fay essay on Mishima in First Things